Writer, story designer and communications strategist

Maze X

Maze X is a 3-month impact accelerator programme, based in Lisbon, Portugal, which provides impact entrepreneurs with the capital, skills and network to maximise their global impact.

Story Design

Our challenge was to attract 100 entrepreneurs to submit high quality applications for the 2019 Maze X impact accelerator programme. As it was the programme’s first year, it was essential that the new identity captured the core concept that social and environmental impact can also be good for business, and that the tone and visual identity of the project appealed to a new target audience of entrepreneurs with a positive mission. The identity had to standout in the vast market of acceleration programmes in Europe, whilst aligning with the programme’s mother brand, Maze.

The client was keen for the program to be built around the central concept of ‘impact unicorns.’ This was a challenging concept to work with, as it depends on a pre-existing understanding of what a ‘unicorn’ is – a term used widely in the startup world, which refers to a privately held business valued at $1 billion, and what ‘impact’ means in this context – social or environmental impact. It was a loaded term, so we used the brand story as an opportunity to unpack this concept, whilst capturing the mission and values of the program.

Maze X values.png

Communications Strategy

In addition to the brand story, tagline, key messaging, and values, I developed a 1-year communications strategy and dissemination plan for the program. This included 8 communication campaigns, measurable targets for the year, essential and desirable communication activities to achieve these targets, and guidance on creating, sharing and measuring content.

After 3-months, the programme had received over 130 high-quality applications from impact entrepreneurs around the world and had a very successful first year. The team have already confirmed new partners for next year’s edition and the brand is evolving as the program grows.

My role: Story designer, communications strategist.  

Project team at Studio Cronica: Laura Pye, Sergio Cameira, Daniela Barreira, Tom Hartnell

Project partners: Maze Impact

Funded by: Maze Impact

Years: 2018

Website: www.maze-x.com