Writer, story designer and communications strategist


The Life First Emergency Traffic Control (LiFE) project aimed to develop innovative solutions for reducing the time it takes emergency vehicles to reach patients in a critical condition.

LiFE Film

Film production, direction and storyboarding

During the research phase of LiFE, the team discovered a number of issues that impacted ambulance journey times. To capture and share these findings, a filmmaker and I produced a 15-minute short film, which followed a paramedic on a 12-hour ambulance shift. 

Life Blog


As an innovation project, we were just as interested in capturing the process of the project as we were in sharing news of the final product. To do this, we produced a series of blogs, documenting the methods we were using, the challenges we were facing, and the learnings we were uncovering along the way. 

My role: Communications lead, writer, film producer, film director and interviewer, communications strategist.

Project team at Future Cities Catapult: Jon Robertson, John Lynch, Anja Maerz, Belen Palacios, Laura Pye, Christian Schmeer, Felipe Caro

Project partners: Red Ninja, Transport Systems Catapult, Liverpool City Council, Dynniq

Funded by: Innovate UK

Years: 2015-2017

Website: www.futurecities.catapult.org.uk/project/life/